Andy's Weight
An autobiographical account of life on the autistic spectrum, with obesity, and a propounded supernatural phenomenon. Published by Grosvenor House Publishing, 2023
If you're interested, the book is available on Google Books and worldwide Amazon outlets. Here's the UK one:
Here are some extracts from my book:
11 Sept 2024 05:07
19 Sept 2024 22:03
11 Sept 2024 08:34
11 Sept 2024 04:50
Hello, welcome to my website, and thank you for reading its opening sentence.
I'm Andrew Tait, an unemployable introvert from Northumberland, England. I've written a book, pictured left, about life on the autistic spectrum, with obesity, and a propounded supernatural phenomenon.
At the age of five, I decided I wanted to write books, specifically, fictional ones. However, an irrational sense of shame would bar my attempts to write emotionally layered characters.
On finishing a meal, I couldn't seem to stop feeling hungry.
At school, instead of joining in with the other children, I wandered the playground in solitary concoction of random stories. I seemed unable to force myself to listen to teachers' instruction. Of such threats as getting hit in the face with a ball, solitary toilet visits and raised voices, I was inordinately scared.
Aged ten, I frequently found myself compelled to make silent promises to perform such mundane actions as touching a door in a certain way.
Aged seventeen, in faces broadcast, recorded and encountered directly, I began to sense similarities which irresistibly persuaded me of their relation, independently of genetic transition, to each other. I term this phenomenon transgenic kinship.
Aged twenty, I began to see such phenomena as, in a clear twilit sky, a star undeniably shrink from visibility, only to instantaneously reappear elsewhere in the cloudless sky.
Aged twenty-two, I spoke with a psychiatric nurse, who traced to the autistic spectrum my cognitive confusion, anxious disorientation, introversion and inordinate sensitivity. Shortly afterwards, I decided to translate my unorthodox existence into a book.
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